Architecture as a process
We believe that creating architecture is a process. A process is not only the design phase, but the construction phase as well. The different phases of the process, their sequence in time, doing research and analysis, and testing the architectural proposals in variants are fundamental to the work of the practice.
Management as part of the process
Our experience shows that the implementation of any good idea requires the full participation of the architectural team during the managing and engineering construction stages. The understanding of architects and clients that management is part of the whole process is a prerequisite for a good final product.
Since conveyer’s foundation, and especially in recent years, we are trying to adopt team work as a work principle, to develop a common professional language in the office and to merge the differences between architects with different professional interests. Everyone on the team, regardless of experience and his position has the opportunity to participate equally in the conceptual phase of the process.
In-practice (company) training
We have a full understanding that conveyer is one of the few places in Bulgaria with good architectural practice that values the desire of everyone on the team for a professional development. In 2012 wе introduced an in-practice (company) training, aimed at sharing information about the architecture practice, technology and education among the colleagues in the studio.
Restrictions as possibilities
Our experience shows that some of the most successful architectural solutions emerge as a result of restrictions imposed by the specific context, program or budget. Tasks with seemingly contradictory requirements if properly managed could lead to unexpected and unusual outcomes.
Examples: KITA (2013), Horn House (2013), AYLA Factory (2008).
Freedom to make innovations and change typologies
We attempt to critically analyze each program and if necessary, to propose changes in both the content and the approach for solving the main problems. Making innovations and changing the established typologies are a part of our work.
Examples: T House (2008) and The Flying Village (2009).